Originally Posted by ineeedheelp
Hi guys I been trying to get wap and mms on my tc for metro. I currently have juciy's 4.4 rom as well as Arcsoft MMS version from Verzion. I followed all the steps from this thread http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1466303 But the only thing I'm able to work is the internet. I tried logging on to my gmail from tf3d but all it says is Error Synchronizing on the bottom and then i get a pop up saying cannot connect with current connection settings. And it seems youtube and mms don't work either. I been searching for a whole week now and i have reflashed roms pelety of times but this darn thing doesnt work. Idk what im doing wrong. So please give me some suggestions on what I should do. Thanks
Upgrade to Juicy 4.13, wap, youtube, gps and email working perfect, mms out too, in 50/50.