Originally Posted by Voltron8Myhat
I tried this today and it didn't seem to work. Even after resetting.
I'm not sure that I understand what you mean by your note: "settings in camera will still show last setting 640x480-176x144." Are you just saying that the camera will still show the three original settings on the size settings screen (640x480, 320x240, 176x144) but that 400x240 is actually in there somewhere? Or is one of those sizes now 400x240?
I'm just not sure what you mean, and I'd love to use that fourth size.
EDIT: I see now that when you change the size in the registry, the video recording size is set to 400x240. However, when you use the size settings within the camera, the original sizes are still your only choices. Once you make a change from within the camera settings, the only way to get back to the 400x240 size is by going back into the registry to make the change again (can't change from within the camera). I wonder if there is a way to add an icon to the size settings screen, or at least change the path for 320x240 to be 400x240?
I am trying to figure out how to add this as an option. when browsing through camera.exe I found some icons for 400x240 also in there was a menu list that had 400x240 listed. I just wonder why it was turned off. 400x240 runs at 30fps and works really well. I just dont bother changing it from 400x240 now, I leave that setting alone (no reason for 640x480).