VOIP help
I was looking all over the internet but could not find a satisfactory answer.
Apparently, there are build-in features of Windows Mobile that allow VOIP usage. There are some posts on XDA site about enabling the features that would allow using the same cell number over the WiFi. Unfortunately, the developer stopped before completely finishing the product.
Here is what I would like:
I would like to be able to use my own cell number over the WiFi, calling anyone without me or them having any additional software installed (like Skype or Fringe) on landline or cell line. Sort of a soft phone using win mo features as opposed to other providers.It would be very handy if you are abroad, have your phone as well as internet access in the hotel. Would allow to use a phone without using a computer to call anyone in the US.
Does anyone know if this is possible at this time?
Thanks in advance.
Sprint HTC TP2