Originally Posted by miles_prower
I get faster indoor GPS locks (5-10 seconds, even after hard reset) in Garmin Mobile XT, Google Maps, and VisualGPSce, with more initial satellites available, if I use these settings before opening the GPS for the first time:
HKLM\Software\HTC\SUPL AGPS\ GPSMode = 4
EnableAGPS = 1
EnablePDEIPFromNV = 1
Also, I've noticed that the data arrows above the title-bar signal-strength icon are much more active in GPSMode 4.
I am guessing that GPSMode 4 is assisted and 2 is mobile stations. (But no bets that this is correct.)
Just curious, how did you know to enter those particular registry keys? I had the HKLM\Software\HTC\SUPL AGPS\ on my recent flash of Bored's clean 1.3-21018, but there weren't any entries in there. I'm your reg settings a try right now.