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Old 03-07-2009, 12:33 PM
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Re: I think I'm done. Getting a Blackberry

Hmm, Touch Pro obviously ain't for Everyone, esp if you have Verizon's like me...

It's obvious BrokenLimit has a faulty unit/bad ROM, as I don't really recall too many people with non working keyboards. Instead of figuring it out... and making it work... You've decided to go BB... I'll respect that..

There's nothing wrong with wanting the phone to work correctly out of the box. Learning how to SDConfig, Flash, Build ROMs and this whole jargon about Kitchens and Cooks and SYS's and XIPs... You just may not want to deal with it...


I got my TP, I cooked my ROM it works flawlessly, and I had the phone for a Month? It did take a lot of researching, but it was worth it!

I had the Pearl, and the World Edition BB, the most I got to do was change the visual theme... 0ooOooh.. You may have better luck now that BlackBerry AppWorld is out.