Winmob 6.5 or TF3D2 or Both
Now that the Touch Pro 2 has been announced many of us Touch Pro 1's are looking to the two feature of the phone that we can actually grab without buying the bigger brother...
1. The Upgraded TouchFlo 3D(Calenders, SMS, EMAil and more integrated into Touch Flo).
2.Windows Mobile 6.5(Which in my opinion only makes the regular windows uses better, e.g. file explorer more finger friendly and drop down menus and a few more things here and there)
So my question is.
How many will change one or both on their Touch Pro? and Will it ever be worth the upgrade, will it ever be fast. Im currently using Hibby's 6.5 4.1V and its not as Fluent or as fast as his 6.1, or Jugglos 6.1.