Thread: I <3 this phone
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Old 03-06-2009, 12:09 PM
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I <3 this phone

Just wanted to post a message to thank everyone who helped me/put up with me as I was trying to figure out what I needed to do to tweak this phone to suit my needs. I've come to a point where not only is using the phone second nature, but I've really come to appreciate some of the finer things it can do that other phones can't. I'm still not in love with the speed of WinMo, but considering I went round and round between the HTC Touch Pro, the Centro and the G1 I honestly never thought I'd get to a point where I'd consider the Touch Pro the best phone I've ever owned.

I like it better than the G1. I do. The battery life isn't tremendous, but now that I've "broken it in" or whatever I regularly get through 2 or 3 days without a recharge. Even though I'd like to find a proper second charger for it, I haven't found myself needing one to charge it while at work. It just works and works well. Thanks everyone who helped give me advice even when I wasn't listening well.
PDA/Smartphone History: Casio Cassiopeia A-10 -> HP Jornada 430 -> HP Jornada 720 -> HP Joranda 545 -> HP Jornada 720 -> Compaq iPaq 3760 -> Palm m130 -> Palm Zire 31 -> Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 -> Palm m130 -> Palm Centro -> HTC Touch Pro -> T-Mobile G1 -> HTC Touch Pro -> Palm Centro -> HTC Touch Pro
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