Originally Posted by stevedusa
If you are staying with any CDMA providers like Sprint or VZW, Touch Pro 2 most likely won't be a reality as HTC mentioned that it's a GSM only FOR NOW. Of course you can wait for they release a CDMA version of TP2 but by then, the TP3 would be out and... you get the story.
As for going GSM? Well you can wait, but I am not sure when it'll be out for the N. America releases.
What is your top factor for choosing a provider? Price? Coverage? Plans? Do give us some info so we can help you out.
I guess really my top factor is device selection and control. I want to be able to use GPS on Google Maps, I may want to be able to install custom ROM's (hence moving to an HTC device) which I guess is more of a carrier-agnostic factor. Like I said, looking at both AT&T and Sprint they are pretty much 69.99 with 450 minutes + data, and AT&T gives you the rollover.