Originally Posted by piranah
i have the cabs for them. but im wondering if it would work a little better/faster if it was cooked in...
also, this is off the subject a little bit, but whats the best keyboard people have found? im tryin to run finger keyboard, but i cant seem to get it to run right...
im running ezinput right now, and liking it so far, but if anybody has a good idea on a keyboard that will work in landscape as well, im all ears...
I haven't done any special tweaks to those, so it should work the same. You could install them with UC. The only difference being the time installing them.
Originally Posted by rileyd5
who's your new rom team? are you accepting applications 
They seem to think I need to change a few things to make the rom "more popular". So after a couple pm exchanges, I challenged them to make it more "popular". They are supposed to upload their more "popular" version tonight so I can look at it. They appear to have quite a bit of knowledge for their post counts, and they have requested to remain nameless until they "fix" my rom... I think they just created new user names, but I don't want to bust 'em... Let them play their games lol... Let's give em a chance and see what they can do.
Originally Posted by rileyd5
I think we need the latest sprint tv cab and nav cabs. I haven't noticed them out yet but if you have them, post them up please. Thanks.
If someone doesn't beat me to it, I'll do it tonight. The rom has the newest sprinttv, but I liked the old sprint nav better so that's the one I installed.