I couldn't find a fix for the problem, but I have a workaround for now for those people getting BuildDSM errors. OEMizer.exe now generates an "OEMizer-BuildDSM.bat" file in your tools folder which can be run after the "Create OEM" process completes. For some reason, calling builddsm from a full path with a space in it is still erroring.. but running the generated bat file works fine. (I uploaded it to the ftp)
I will be adding a drop down list with other programs to add to the today items eventually, but you'll have to wait a bit. What I want to do is have it parse existing OEM's for today item entries
PS: WTF is a dsm file anyway, and how does buildDSM come up with the gibberish in the file, hehe. I would like to incorporate this into OEMizer instead of having to shell to another app.