Originally Posted by mightymike
i'm making everyone starve for 4.13
im going to turn them into hungry lions and instead of having 1000+ users throughout a 1 week span, you'll have 1000+ in one night...
Someone make a "This is Sparta" sign but put instead "This is MightyROM" its about to go down hardcore > : D
Originally Posted by LilRico
A lot of work got done today. All the bugs are out. Just have to refine color in some areas, I have to test it for at least a half of day.
When alarm is on, clock goes black, when alarm is not set, it goes gray... All the tabs are working... I just have to add the slider, change the color of the orb, and a few more things. I'm done for tonight. I'm exhausted.. Editing Manila files sucks hard core!
I might just jizz in my pants tonight. Again! couple of questions
will you be changing the quantity bubble of SMS or E-mails?
The date on top left side is not visible SOS!
I predict the white theme to be so awesome that MightyMike will use it as default for 4.13
or would it be 5.0(w/ WM 6.5)
only the AlMighty Mike knows *sigh*