Originally Posted by Maxx134
Are you going to number your roms, or update title thread with new date, because I see first post was edited for an update today...
This is kind of my first release the other one prior was pratice even thoe i thought it was pretty good!!
The last one also was on the illegal build and the system files are missing alot of things and i ended up customizing it soo much that it seemed like a whole other sys any how the 21018 sys is pretty good I might release a couple more things on it. Conflipper claims theres another one thats 6.1 thats hasnt been relesae yet. He also says its his favorite one so maybe I take a stab at that if im able to get the sys files and a working xip for it.
Lastly the update you saw was just me fixing the mirrors for download. Thank those people who supplied them mirrors for me..