Originally Posted by rstoyguy
16613...don't have. In the rom 1.7.23 I went back to Opera v15306 from the original sprint rom for that reason. I ain't played with 15613, and don't intend too unless someone gives me a valid reason that the human eye can detect. Like the speed difference in the opera from the original, and new official roms. That is noticeable by even an old guy like me.
TMI: There is one registry setting @ HKLM\Software\Opera\Info:Bld where this is set. And I can number it what ever I want to, So, what build number do ya want. 
sorry man, I meant 15613. I must have luck with this version for some reason. No big deal at all. I can run the cab overtop of the other. I was just curious if you noticed any difference. I tested a bunch of them when I did my browser comparison thread and found this version to be pretty solid. but others have reported differently so who knows. 15306 is definitely much more stable than the 15954 and it was good you made that switch. sorry again for being a pain in the arse...