Thread: ICS questions??
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:14 PM
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Re: ICS questions??

Originally Posted by chainfire View Post
Yeah I found that support case when searching for your e-mail address... My email and your email crossed... As stated in my email I will have a "chat" ( ) with the guy that handled that one.
LOL, yea that guy didn't really help me too much......(you did however)

I got the new cab you sent me & so far it works super, thankyou so much.

I can't say for sure it is 100% fixed, but I installed it & have soft reset my TP six times in a row & my ipod touch still connects to it just fine (it never survived even one reset before)

You can't imagine how happy this makes me, I was ready to give up on this. I didn't know what else to try at this point & I have been fighting with it for weeks. I must have flashed to 20 different ROM's, reinstalled both WMrouter & ICS MANY MANY times etc etc etc etc

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