Originally Posted by Ms.Two
i've been reading the tutorial on customizing your touch pro theme. i am also using the sprint theme as a default and i just changed the background for the phone and the operator logo using manilla. they replaced and i went to zip them and created a zip file successfully supposedly. however, when i go to extract the zip file..errors come up and it says "unknown method in; no files to extract". anyone know why this could be happening and what i can do to fix this??
I don't I 'm understanding you correctly. You mean you changed your back ground and operator log using Manila Editor? You can easily do both of those thing without Manila Editor if you want to.
For your background, just go to the "Settings" tab in TF3D, then "wallpaper" and change it there.
For your operator logo: Use "Personalizer". You can find it on this site.
BTW. Welcome to the site!