Originally Posted by redrazr7791
True that BOND, i jumped ship also from sprint to T-mobile, and i can honestly say, the internet speed really didn't change that much. Loving the phone and happy with my decision.
I can't say that I had either, and for things like getting updated stock quotes and much...it's not a huge difference. Not to mention that Opera 9.5 has always been....slow. Lol so the connection speed doesn't matter TOO much. And using Opera Mini of course is lightning fast as always.
But I must say that I used my buddies diamond on sprint w/ EVDO Rev. A with good signal and...I did realize that you can definitely tell the difference. You don't see it that much getting used to it and being excited about the HD, but after using it for a while then seeing Sprint speed...phew. Lol.
Edge won't keep up in updating the maps when cruising along w/ gps tracking turned on if you are zoomed in very much, just can't keep up whereas evdo sure did.
Originally Posted by feidaoguy
Hi, I am debating touch HD vs Verizon Omnia. Does Touch HD has heptic feed back with on screen keyboard? Is there any on board memory like the omnia (8gb for i910)? Any input who be appreciated.
Any WM device can have haptic feedback on all the screen all the time or just on the keyboard.
Originally Posted by trance2002
Could someone please quantify the speeds they see on T-Mobile in kbps for both uplink and downlink?
Just went to speedtest.net now. I'm in northern Utah, US and got only 122 k down and 50k up. I can't say as to whether or not that is typical but...just looking at sheer numbers...EVDO Rev A w/ good signal would SLAUGHTER that...tho I use wifi 90% of the time so it's cool
Latency of 630ms. Tells me I'm about 50 miles from the tower.
For what it's worth, I had full bars (or maybe missing one bar).
BTW...just fyi for all, got MMS fixed. Just needed to get to the highest tech support (the one above tier 3, they called it simply "advanced") and some lady got it fixed straight away.