So I updated my Verizon xv6900 to the latest official rom and let customizations run. (I know I shouldn't have)
In the device Info page this is what it says:
ROM version: 3.14.605.1
Radio Version: 3.37.78
PRL versio: 51250
PRI version: 2.03_002
After reading most of this page Spetrillo said that he had got his GPS working with customizations so I followed what he did and I installed Valhalla Legends then installed GpsGate. I then installed Garmin Mobile and copied gpsapi.dll into the Garmin folder. I set the input for GpsGate to WM GPS and output to a Virtual COM8/All NMEA. GpsGate says it gets GPS data but no position. When i open Garmin Mobile it says it is searching for satellites but I went outside and it never got a signal.
So my question is: Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can get the internal GPS to work with the offical Verizon ROM that had cuztomizations run?