Originally Posted by KingArthur
What does smart tracker do or better yet how does it work? I'm on cricket service.
I spent a few minutes playing with this software and I think it is pretty dame cool.. Once you set it up and save info you can X out of the program and then if you txt the phone with a txt saying getgpspos ( i think you can change this to whatever not sure yet those did not test that part) it will then wake the tracking software up meaning that the softeware is not running all the time killing battery. The software is in like a sleep mode until you txt the phone.. Which is all done in a stealth mode so it is not detected on the phone. Once the phone receives the txt the software then awakes and locks on gps setting then replies to teh txt with the exact location.. Like i said it is all in a steath mode so if someone stole your phone they would never know... Or for those of you that always want to know where your children are.. Great peice of software I think and thanks mighty for adding to you rom...Looking forward to 5XX series..