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Old 03-03-2009, 07:21 PM
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Re: (March 3, 2009) Merdin's Windows Mobile Pro v3.8 [CE OS 5.2.21018] {lite\pro} *NE

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
as posted above, your rom changes to landscape mode once turned because you have it enabled in Flip, just go into flip and disable it.

Dont worry about the Diamond issue showing up on activ sync, thats just like if you put a chevy symbol over your crysler symbol same thing, ill change, and for the sprint clock, yes it should work with no problems, install it and test it out.

Mcenter is in this rom, i just didnt edit the registry so it shows up in the home screen.

So far only issues ive found

1. Battery life.
2. EPST- FIXED in kitchen
3. shows Diamond on activ sync- not realy issue
4. scroll wheel wont change texting size.
and some other i cant think of now, but i already have those others resolved.
it seems Flipit comes enable by default on 3.8
i did not even noticed there was a problem with the battery life.
i did notice the issue with the scrolling wheel not changing the size of the text, but is no biggie for me, the sms counter was the big annoyance and its fix on 3.8 great stuff.
i dont even know what EPST is so if there is an issue with it i would not know lol
dont really care how it shows as, Diamond or TP, its still a great Rom.
Big Thanks man, keep up the great work
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