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Old 03-03-2009, 06:33 PM
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Re: $3.65 + Registry Hack = TV Out

Wow, this is awesome. I bought the cables from the op, just got em today.

1. Plugged in the cables to input 1 on my tv
2. Ran the program that was installed from the cab in Post 31
3. Enjoyed!

This makes Teeter so much more fun to beat!

Everything worked pretty damn flawessly: I watched a youtube video, looked at some pics, played a couple games, and surfed the web. Pretty fn cool. Thanks techfury90 and especially datawrhsdoc (I clicked the button as well).

However, I found two glitches? I asked as a question cause I'm not really sure if the are even possible:
1. I was not able to record a video while I was plugged in and displaying it on my screen. It said it was recording but both screens were black (my device and tv).
2. I went to my phone's homescreen and tried changing tabs on tf3d. Although the animations for each tab came up, it would never actually let me view the tab. When I unplugged my device from the tv, tf3d went back to working normal. (I do use tf3d hd which is built into KKs rom if this makes a difference.)

Like I said, I don't even know if these are problems as I really have no need to do either of these things when already plugged into my tv.

In sum, awesome, just awesome. Thank you guys.
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