Originally Posted by XJoshua
New to the forums. Ive been with sprint for several years now when the MotoQ first came out. Was dissapointed to see no picture mail. After several months of googling for ideas I gave up and have never touched picture mail since. Now that my latest contract was up I decided to upgrade my well beaten MotoQ to the MotoQ9c. I purchased it because I like the Q's design. Well I tried Picture Mail via Picture > Send, and it was highlighted, but no go. So I assumed the worst that is still wasnt enabled. Figured Id give it a google, and after many years of no picture mail there is finally a way.
Im currently giving your program a broad testing to all network providers because Im still a skeptic about the possibility that pic mail made easy on a Sprint WM Phone. If everything works as advertised, Ill definately be upgrading to the Full Version, and spreading the love of your program to alot of my friend that have Sprint WM Phones.
So far so good, and Ill be sure to help post bugs and jazz.
I have been using sMMS since my Treo700wx days (that was 2 phones ago) and I have never had an issue with it working the way it is supposed to.
You will love it, and I have a feeling, you will be upgrading sooner than later.