I really appreciate you posting the troublesome file and Im sorry that that happened. I know what it is like to have your phone ideally set up & tweaked and then...boom.
A "Hello Kitty-lookin" file grenade ruins it.
Oh and I wouldnt be suprised if the pope pulled more nun a$$ than a early 90's boy band does 16 yr olds...[/quote]
no prob on the post, i just don't want anyone to kill there phone like i did and blame it on the rom, i'll have to look into it more, last night after it crashed i told my girl to back up and give me fifty feet (i was literally freaking out). i then told her to put the kitty on ice because i had an all nighter ahead and she wasnt included......(que Violins) thats when i realized i was willing to pass up the Na$ty for my phone.......that's right i.....AM ADDICTED TO FLASHING!!! i need help...(sobbing) then i snapped back to my senses and hard reset. never underestimate the power of the P......pro, i meant pro ok