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Old 03-03-2009, 10:24 AM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by ColdBrew View Post
I used the B2B ROM this weekend as a tether for my laptop. But I noticed after a while that my phones battery was drained. It seems that it wasn't charging the battery while I was tethering. Anyone else notice this before?
I've only tethered a few times, and only one of those would have been long enough to impact the battery, and it was definately charging then.

Have you tethered before with that laptop, and are you certain it was charging then, too?

The reason I ask is because laptops can have reduced USB power output, especially if the laptop is running on battery itself. The reduced power may not have been enough to charge the phone.