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Old 08-15-2007, 11:14 PM
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I wish I had taken a picture of the slide but I like all the other sales rep in the room were busy swiveling our heads around the room to the various persons commenting on it, it completely slipped my mind until afterwards.

besides that, it would not be easy to steal a shot of a power point presentation from 4 rows back with a mogul. i'm fairly confident one of the many persons involved in the presentation would have taken notice. last thing I need is to be fired. i doubt this is internal information as they made no effort to convey that but i like going to bed at night knowing i have a roof over my head.

some other questions raised were whether it will allow tracking applications. the htc rep said she was unable to answer that specifically because she did not know what the application entailed. but she said if it's something telenav has offered in the past she sees no reason as to why not since they code should be easy to write for the mogul. again she did not dive into details as to why because it would be over the head of many in the room.
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