Originally Posted by rstoyguy
I'll look into it tonight and finger it out, I'm betting it's a new feature on a newer version.
The keyboard I can't duplicate it, to fix it turn off t9 or disable the offending keyboard so it can't be used.
And as far as helping, read the last line of this post: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...0&postcount=28
That is my lifes long mission. That's why I provide the pieces, the help, the pm's, and what not. I want to help enable the users of this board make thier own quality rom.
i hope you finger it out, casue it is a really nice feature
i dont even cook in the SIP sprint keyiboard though...... just Touchpal and Small keyboard.
haha, that is awesome as far as helping goes....
can i help a little?
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Yay i helped! haha