TP Dead? (Freezes, soft reset, will not boot)
I'm on my 3rd TP for various reasons now and I've run into another large issue.
I was having random program crashes with Dream's ROM... galarm and beejive crashed the most. It had been months since I had done a hard reset, so I figured I'd flash to a different ROM.
I tried MightyMike's ROM, and was having some big time issues:
-I set up UC, it would run, install the cabs, then restart. Only about half of the programs actually installed. Other times, it would install all of my prorgams, soft reset, then start UC over again. Other times, it will soft reset and just get stuck on the Touch Pro screen.
-Once running, it would randomly freeze, completely. I'd soft reset it, and it would get to the touch Pro screen and just sit there. The only way to correct this was to hard reset. It did this every hour and a half or so
So, I switched to Juicy's ROM, figuring I was just having an issue with the ROM being corrupt. Everything installed properly, a random program crashed but it's always done that, I've left it as "normal"
Things have been good for the past two days. Randomly, things will crash and it will act really strange, I was just putting up with it till a new version of the ROM came out.
Well, just now, I got a new text, opened it up, it said "Loading message..." and froze there. No big deal, I'll just soft reset...
And now it's stuck at the Touch Pro screen again. Soft resetting does not make it boot, nor does pulling the battery and starting it over. I need to hard reset it to get it to boot. I'm going to re-flash it back to 100% stock and call Sprint.
Any suggestions? Any programs possibly causing this issue? A corrupted .cab file? Or is the phone just messed up... I don't have TEP but I do have Best Buy's insurance (which was a mistake, by the way), and I may have to replace it through them, though Sprint replaced my last one when the keyboard stopped working without any questions asked.