Originally Posted by sracercelica
Is it possible that the delay in switching from portrait to landscape is being caused because you included the TF3D landscape version???
it could be possible will definately look into it.
Originally Posted by dc13
after 4hours of messing with this I have totake it off.
I have the Sprint TP
with the telus radio
I've had 7 lock ups so far and thats why im taking it off.
5 were from txt messages
2 were from calls
speed tho was amazing and thats with the stock rom nothing installed did try the sms fix but it still locked up with the txts
other then that its amazing.
I hope im the only 1 with this prob. I did do 2 hard resets.
Also when I was go into the phone setting from the Dialer>options
it would say that the ring tones were not there or corrupt.
Hmm.. haven't had this problem. Recieved over 20 sms and no lock ups as for calls have had about 5 so far and also no lock ups.
Anyone else having this issue?