Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
maybe someone can help me, im such a noob for this. i want the v2 kb with no bottom arrows. could someone please post the cabs they used and the order they used them? i mean post the actual cabs in order in a reply. im so sorry for even asking but this kb is whipping my as@. darren
EDIT: Updated instructions!
If you are using a Touch Diamond or PRO there is really no need to use the cabs in the first post (except for the " XT9 Disable.cab" if you want that option). The cabs in the second post are the latest.
1. Install "
FingerKeyb-2.0 no arrows-VGA.cab" from the second post. It's
the last one in the group of cabs. Install to
2. If you want left, right, up, and down arrows in the main keyboard then install "
Reef's VGA-Portrait-Compact.cab"
AFTER installing the cab from step 1.
Be warned that you will have to uninstall and re-install the keyboard as well as Reef's cab if you want to get rid of the arrows later.
Here are the installation instructions (again) from the first post:
- IF YOU HAVE OLDER VERSIONS OF FINGERKEYBOARD, PLEASE UNREGISTER THEM BEFORE INSTALLING V2! If you need to unregister and don't know how to do it, check THIS post.
- after unregistering you have to soft-reset the device. Then you can proceed with installing FingerKeyb2.
- Run the attached .cab file (recommend you install to device memory)
- The keyboard will install into /Program files/FingerKeyb. There is also a link to Configuration tool in the Start > Programs.
- After installation, a Config window will open. Select language layouts you wish to use, and select a color scheme (both can be changed later)
- Select SMS name and WinMo word suggestion options in the second tab
- Click on OK and softreset the device
- Open up your standard keyboard (in SMS for example), click on the small arrow next to the middle keyboard icon and go to "Other input options"
- FingerKeyb should be listed there, select it and you're good to go."
As of now, the left, right, up, and down arrows in the
original skins do NOT show up in the "
FingerKeyb-2.0 no arrows" version. I tried editing the BMP file names but they still do not work. Hopefully someone will figure it out.
In the mean time, if you install one of my skins they DO show up.
If you want to use one of the skins I made, just install one (or all) of the cabs from
HERE. After installing (to DEVICE) they will be available to choose from in the FingerKeyboard config in "Programs" and they are completely uninstallable with no harm to your app. "Watzone69Red" is already included in the
FingerKeyb-2.0 no arrows-VGA.cab.
EDIT: I want to give credit to Nvidia32 at XDA for his original design of his glossy style black skin.
I have merely added some different colors using Gimp. ENJOY!
One other note, if you are uninstalling
2.0, you don't have to "unregister" it like the old one.
I hope this has been of some help. If so, you know what to do!