Originally Posted by moonzbabysh
On the TP its easier just have to hit "CTRL" and "A" on the hard keyboard. if you can get a soft kb with "ctrl" on it this might work as an easier way to do it.
Even if you get a soft KB with CTRL in it, because WinMo doesn't support multitouch the KB has to be programmed to keep CTRL selected after you push it. Like how most SHIFT keys are. PCM KB enables you to do Virtual Key compinations from one key. So one key can be CTRL and A at the same time. It already uses that for CUT, COPY, & PASTE, in the same way. If anyone is interested I can add it to my PCM skins. PM me and I will do it.
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.