From XDA site, more message center numbers!:
SMS MessageCenter
* AT&T:
o +19078319301
* Cingular:
o +12099042010 (West Coast)
o +17045020600 (East Coast)
* T-Mobile:
o +12063130004
* Rogers Wireless (Canada):
o +17057969300
* Fido (Microcell - Canada):
o +15149931123
Make sure you include the + symbol if manually entering this number. It is essential.
This number is usually pre-set in your SIM card and should not have to be manually entered.
SMS Email Center
* AT&T:
o 0000000000 (ten zeros)
* Cingular:
o 121 (West Coast)
o 111 (East Coast)
* T-Mobile:
o 500
* Rogers Wireless:
o 0000000000 (ten zeros)
* Fido (Microcell):
o 003436