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Old 03-02-2009, 04:11 AM
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Re: Seven beta program is AWESOME

ok just flashed to mightyrom, it worked,the backup worked like a charm :
1.pimbackup restore
2.used sashimi for installing cab restoring files and registry
3.note that after the installation of the cab file the seven program started on its own ,dont touch it "dont hit next or nothing" you wanna keep the restored values, restart and it should starts on it is own and shows you all accounts are connected

the back up was as follows :
1.using resco explorer " searched for any file or folder containing the keyward "seven" backed them all up
2.using resco registry "find SEVEN " and backed the keys/strings up

let me know if you have questions ,and i ll keep an eye out for my bill ,but so far looking good
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