Hey guys, I'm having some trouble setting up my web. I've got the HTC Diamond (originally from Sprint) and I've moved it over to Metro PCS. I installed an Altell ROM on it (I was advised that this would make it easier to update my settings) and I can't get this thing to connect. I was looking at your solution, and I can't seem to find the place to change this setting from 0 to 1. I open my EPST settings and I go to edit, but there is nothing about active profile.
Dialing ##3282# does nothing on my phone and I can get into my EPST by using ##778. I'm running Metro PCS PRL 2001 and I'm wondering if this setting might be my problem. I have tried absolutely everything that people have suggested and it just won't connect (yes I have the $45 plan). It keeps giving me an error that says that my username/password is incorrect for #777. I'm using
tendigitnumber@mymetropcs.com for username and metropcs as my password. I'm so very frustruated with trying to get this to work. I've been trying for over a week now with no success.
I've changed my ROM, updated my PRL, updated my Radio... nothing! Please help!!!