Bonuts, Thanks for the info. I did install it to the phone, the problem is two fold. I downloaded the newest Opera Beta and the .exe is (OperaLaunch.exe) So I changed both references which you pointed to. That enabled the script to open Opera and get me to the main page but it give giving me an error. The second Error/part has to do with Palm Threaded program. For some reason the link gets cut off and the ending of the link (_frsthgl) isn't part of the actual link. I don't know if I can modify the script but what I did was open Word program and paste then close the spaces so it was part of the link. Once I did that the script worked perfectly. Now I just have to figure out that second part so I don't have to open Word all the time.
Thanks for your help and input.
Originally Posted by bonuts
Lines 30 & 31
# Important, if you installed Opera elsewhere, you'll need to change this.
Run( "Storage Card\Program File\Opera\Opera.exe", link )
Lines 58 & 59 of script
# Again, depending where you installed Opera, you may need to change this.
Run( "Storage Card\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe", Url )
dalsik, hwnstyle21. Please let me know if this fixes your issues.