Thread: TomTom users
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Old 03-01-2009, 10:12 PM
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Re: TomTom users

Originally Posted by boredmug View Post
Why not just use the Sprint Navigation? It's free and it doesn't take up so much space on your sd card. I really don't get spending the money on Tom Tom.
sprint nav totally blows. if you travel to an area that has bad phone service, you're sunk. the maps are downloaded as you go with sprint nav. the better solution is to have the maps onboard.

and has an example, my wife has an Instinct with Sprint Nav and she constantly has problems with it here in the Ft. Myers area. We're supposed to have high speed coverage all around but we don't. so. as a result, i don't have problems finding places in the area with my tom tom 7 or IGo8 and she has major problems with the crappy Sprint Nav.
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