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Old 02-28-2009, 06:06 PM
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Cool Share Your Themes HERE!!!!!

In this forum, I found a thread where everyone has been posting screenshots of their Today screens (link: =D>

As much as this is a great idea, it's a bit of a pain in the *** to see these screenshots and not know whereabouts the member actually grabbed the theme from.
With that, I was thinking, "why not add a download link to the particular theme you're showing your screenshot for?" That way, if you see a screenshot you like, you can grab it and throw it on your own phone. All of you know how friends and no0bs are amazed by our awesome device, so let's spread some awesome-looking screens around so everyone can benefit.

I'll start with my current theme, Windows Vista Ultimate.

Now, the direct download link is:

Enjoy, and post your own themes here.
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