Originally Posted by Juicy47
Patiently waiting. I can help.
Thanks for the offer as you might be able to help me figure this stuff out. This will probably be a good little chunk of information here.
So the email wizard is working correctly. The only way to get to it is a shortcut for now. I am looking into the lua and mode9 files to try and edit the new account option for the mail tab in TF3D. There are very very minor visual glitches but i think that is just the app. Attached below.
The contact card is semi working. To avoid the pain of reinstalling multiple cabs or flashing constantly one of the files in the post below is making the contact editor working or leaving them out disables it. The only option I get when I open contacteditor.exe is to add a new contact. I really think it needs to be ported as the images I have seen shows a slider at the bottom. But just to make things easy for me right now I just added these "extra" files to my oem to test things out. I haven't gotten to trying each file individually. I have ran a dependecy check on the exe and every dll required then one more layer past that.
And as posted on the same post one of these files enable the native vibration for the keyboard. Once again did the same as above for my testing.
I hope you can help figure this out as my wife is getting quite frustrated
Thanks and looking forward to the new rom