Re: Official Keyboard Lag Thread
I've posted in a number of those threads about the keyboard lag, and it really is disheartening that the issue hasn't been at the forefront as much as it should be.
I text, a LOT. By a lot, I mean, 14,000+ a month. The Touch Pro so far has driven me somewhat crazy. I loved my Apache, I loved my Mogul, and I love my Touch Pro, but it's more of a love-hate thing. The second I started using it, I felt the lag. The bundled XT9 software has got to be the culprit.
I've tried every registry tweak, fix cab, settings change possible. It persists. If you fix it somewhere, it only seems to gradually get worse because you're either still populating the T9 My Words list (although now you can't even get to it to delete them), or for some other reason. Furthermore, the issue seems to only really manifest itself in the SMS composition screen. You know, in the threaded, "I want to write a message" box at the very bottom.
Opera, notes, everything else is fine and speedy. But right here, input (as someone else said) lags behind so severely that it drives me insane. I hate it.
Yesterday, after typing a long message which I had to wait (no kidding) 30 seconds for to catch up, I had enough. I took my anger out on this phone and absolutely trashed it. (I went and got a replacement the next day, but honestly...
I'm really at the end of dealing with this, and none of the ROM cookers seem to specifically address it ever. I don't get what the point of having T9 on a QWERTY keyboard device is, either. First person to rip all that crap out and come up with a usable ROM that doesn't have absolutely inhuman lag in the SMS composition screen will get a huge donation from yours truly.
Ev-Do Rev. A Tethered on my TP:
A box of mine: