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Old 02-28-2009, 02:34 AM
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Re: Uscc 6800 Gps, Custom Roms, Downgrading Guide

Originally Posted by BillThyCat View Post
Do a search for BAFMSL, it will show the SPC/MSC code for pretty much all carriers.
This worked. I was able to get my code with BAFMSL. My next step is to run nueSPL 2.47 on the phone. from doing some reading my understanding is this unlocks the phone correct? If this is the case then How do I flash the rom and radio's. Do I use nueSPL for this as well? If this was the case then i would have to put the rom and radio on the microSD card?

You said you do your flashing from the bootloader screen..How do I do that?

Wait I found this.. Will this work?

STEP 5 (Alternate)
An alternate method to installing the custom roms after you have the latest radio and boot loader would be to have a micro SD card formatted to the fat32 file system. at this point put the nbh file on the card in its root directory (in no folders) and name the file TITAIMG.nbh. once this is done hold the power button and camera button while using the stylus to softreset the phone, this will bring it into boot loader mode and will update the rom. Not all sd cards seem to be compatible with this method, so if you have issues just use the method above. If you do a search for a program called pocketrar, you can download the roms directly to your phone and try updating them without having to connect to your pc. otherwise, you will need to active sync the file over, and as we know if you have vista that can be a major issue. though for some reason the RUU folder method can still seem to see the phone usually.


Last edited by xljaylx; 02-28-2009 at 05:33 PM.
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