Originally Posted by davebwi3
Hello Scott , I love the B2B edition I think its the best yet as well.
I have disabled from startup the s2u2 stuff...dont use any of it..get more memory and it seems to be more stable to me.. I would love a build like B2B but without the S2u2 stuff.....havent figured out the kitchen to do it myself....
Using the Kitchen is easy. What you need to do is to copy the SYS and ROM files from the OS that you want to use....If you want B2B OS, the you would download the OS 21015 Build 21015 files, unzip them, and copy the SYS and ROM into the "Kitchen Core"". Once you do that, it's a matter of just checking or unchecking the items that you want in your ROM. After everything is selected, click on the "Play" button in the top left corner. Watching the bottom status bar, you can see the progress. When it says "DONE", the close that "BUILDOS" with the red "X" and everything else will happen automatically. Be patient, because it does take a few minutes for the program to build the ROM. If you have any questions, come on back and we will try to help.