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Old 08-13-2007, 12:06 PM
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Thanks for replying blazing.....

Unfortunately, I did all those measures B4 posting.

The mtty utility is what wideawake mentions on that I mentioned in the first post, when I tried that, I do not get an option for USB under the port menu Only Com1 and Com 2.

Somone later down the page has the same problem and switched USB cables with some luck for me...made no difference

You'll see on that page that they also refer to an XDA page discussing the same problem. That's where I came up with the Uniexbootloader utility. Again, as I mentioned in the first post, this TOO, did not work for me. Uni cant connect to the USB port.......

I guess its worth mention that I alsio tried 3 different USB ports on my desktop.

I can hard reset to "clear data' but when it says enter 'y' to restart, I immediately go back to the bootloader screen....

What's the NEXT step....anyone with any more ideas?!?!?!?!

This is making me very SAD
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