Originally Posted by twistedfish
It's cool, but I had flashed my phone right before a meeting yesterday and I didn't realize that it did that so during the meeting I got a text from my wife sent that ended with I love you. LOL EVERYONE in the room just stopped in their tracks and looked at me like I had violated some secret oath! LOL This morning when I came in there were hearts and I love you notes all over my door! LOL 
I'm glad I could bring some excitement to your life! lol... And great story btw!
And I uploaded the oem directory from 2.7.20 to
my sendspace directory for those interested. Left zzz_my_stuff oem semi-intact so you all can see how to make your own for flash-a-holics. I did of course delete the good info and my personal oems. Enjoy! I'm thinking about switching to misfurtunes taskbar, I'll test it today...