Originally Posted by GrandMasterB
I have never really had any problems with S2U2 until I flashed the B2B rom last night. Now S2U2 has been giving me all sorts of fits lagging and the popping up randomly and because it is cooked into the ROM you cant remove it to install 1.50
I was using 1.50 with Mightys ROM yesterday and didnt have any problems.
Its the B2B SYS files (21015) which are very well... ummm.. Picky? is that a good word?
Its more than likely not S2U2 but it can be a combo of both. I weas just talkin with FPOS about issues like this. We both came to the same understanding on our own that the newer the SYS the more issues.
the 209xx builds didint play nice with older versions of SPB apps... SPB had to update to fix the issue.....