Originally Posted by msbullock
Here's your bread and Butter (taken from xda UC forum)
Registry code:
<characteristic type="HKCU\ControlPanel\BackLight">
<parm name="BatteryTimeout" value="240" datatype="integer"/>
<parm name="ACTimeout" value="360" datatype="integer"/>
You can insert this into your regular xml, and this is how you can edit the things that Mighty Has in his rom, such as weather starting on Canada, For me I want this starting on US, or you get the Idea. Any registry edits you would make, you can force them into your UC. Very easy to do a flash at any time. Just a quick PPCPIMBackup to save the recent texts, and call log, your golden.
I just want to say thanks my friend... And yes, I have to keep finding regedits as I go along... I'm guessing that msbullock.xml is full of goodies, hehehe...