Originally Posted by chas123
I have had the "flaky" usb issue on two different phones with several roms on each. Even stock roms. I just chalk it up to Vista and wmdevice ctr. I put a shortcut to USBtoPC where I could get to it easily, and when it wigs out I toggle to mass storage then back to activesync and it stays good for a while.
All this happened with this phone.. not the rom... OK mike.. not the rom.. haha
I also had email incoming and checking every 30 minutes, changed it to 60 minutes yesterday... it connects thru data, then disconnects that shouldn't be drainning it... im doing a full charge now.. I flashed the rom this morning with no extra programs... just to check it out just 4.12 and lilricos themes.. i know its not the rom, i think it was my powercable, i had the wrong one connected to the phone..
thanks for the responds... just letting others know, not to do the same stupid thing i did....