Originally Posted by mightymike
I think i need create a MightyROM General Talk thread lol!!! Everyone likes hangin' out in here.. Its awesome!
The reason I hang out here is because I have to watch over you.
Because ...
you make unanounced upgrades ...
things happen in here all the time ... I was out less than 24 hours and missed the birth of 4.12 and your thread was cut down to about 30 pages!!!
I watch over what people are experiencing, both problematic and improvement suggestions...
people try to be helpful ...
And...The number one reason I'm here: if I don't stay, someone might steal more messages and I'll miss it
AND I hear rumors that version 5 is coming...(did I hear by this weekend?)...I'm not going to miss it again!!!
Sooooooooo...when are you opening up this MightyROM General Talk thread?
BTW this place IS awesome, great people!!!