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Old 02-26-2009, 04:46 PM
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Re: [2-24-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.7 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

Just flashed 1.7, love it minus a few issues...

1.) Weather Master still giving SQL Errors.
2.) Action Screen Shortcut in Start|Programs gives unsigned error.
3.) I use Garmin Mobile XT instead of Google Maps, I'm attaching a cab to modify the action screen to use \Storage Card\Garmin\Apps\WM\QuePPC.exe In case anyone else uses it.
4.) I removed the finger menu from Windows|Startup since I couldn't find it in Remove Programs, is that an ok way to do so?
5. What is the best way to back up the phone before flashing? PIM Backup seems to get my text messages out of order, and SPB Backup makes my phone sluggish after a restore.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Garmin - Action Screen (741 Bytes, 6 views) Click for barcode!
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