Originally Posted by RONMAC
Having a problem with autorun.
I created the TXT file (SDConfig.txt) and added all the info to it but on a hard reset, it is hanging up about half way through.
I am running the R4R (20764 sys) and noticed that during the autorun process S2U2 comes up and locks the screen and then everything hangs.
Any ideas?
Here is the sdconfig:
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\Adobe_FlashLite_3.1_WWE.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\Ati d3d driver.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\Badboy8813 Audio Fix- (Full Volume).cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\Custom Task Bar.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\GoogleMaps_compressed.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\KlaxonSetup.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\LiveSearchWM6.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\MobileMgrForNetflix_1_0_0_44.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\MyPhone_Beta_WM_Professional.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\S2V-0.42-VGA.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\Safe Inbox Extender.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\Slide to Answer Black.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\TouchResponse_v0_3_2.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\WindowsLive_NoIM_0409.cab
LOCK isabled
RST: Reset
There are several cabs that I don't recognize. I would reduce the number by half, especially you might remove livesearchwm6.cab and google maps.
If any of your cabs require user intervention during the install, they will fail when using UC.
Your syntax is correct, I'm assuming you read slueth's post.
I went nuts when building my first UC, had similar problems, then stepped it down to 2 cabs, then doubled each time I did a hard reset. While its boring to wait, its a valuable troubleshooting technique.
**EDIT** I sent you my personal how to document as to how I did the sdconfig.txt Hope it helps.