Re: [2-24-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.7 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]
Originally Posted by kevank
I will be including this in the next release. I like it.
Ok, here's a mystery. I downloaded the cab for this envelope change and was ready to plug my usb into the phone to install it. I went to the email tab just to take a look at the old envelope and it had already been changed to the glass version! The only program I have loaded after flashing to 1.7 was I set up the action screen. tsousan did you include this in that app or ? No big deal just strange. Sorry to take up some page space. I've been a tech for so long this kind of little stuff bugs me. Anyone else seen this?
Last edited by Comstar; 02-26-2009 at 11:07 AM.