Originally Posted by wdaniels2007
Love the ruby red man so thanks alot..Question, I haven't installed it yeah, but does the wallpaper match up exactly also, because I didn't see that you changed that on the 2nd page of the post? Thanks again..
The wallpaper matches up like you see in the picture, and honestly, closer then that is going to be very hard. It's very, very close.
Originally Posted by millertime2382
It's cool I was looking to download I just picked up a diamond for the gf and she wanted pink. I'm running the Mighty rom for the diamond on it.
Pink also needs a few changes, but should be done very soon.... Pink is a good color for me to mod.
Originally Posted by arelas
LilRico, have you updated the blue theme yet to be non-cfc?
Yes, I have it done and finished, but I'm at work right now. The only thing the Midnight blue needs is the second version of the RA. Let me see if I can upload it the none cfc MidNight blue, one second...
edit: My new hosting site is blocked by my job, so I can't uoload anything till I get home... Sorry
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