Originally Posted by weedahoe
Oh Im not saying Im the saint of the board....lol
Theres one member in particular that I still would like to get my hands around thier neck for thier ignorance.
Jabu DOES make some funny damns posts. I agree with that one. But thats because I dont think he is that old, really. Hes a young kid I think (Dont blast me Jabu.. LOL)
As for the OP, I stand corrected on the gender part. Many (vast majority) of us are male as you already know. If you are not good with computers and phones and just learning how to thread and post, then I suspect we will be seeing more of you as I am sure you will have lots of Qs.
Interesting how every single post on this entire forum ends up the same way..."why would you start a forum on this?"..."search is your friend"..."everyone knows this already"..."how noobish are you?" Nobody actually gets an answer until someone not hostile to those who don't know any better provides a simple answer that any one of us could answer once and the forum would be done.